Hold fast to your dreams For when dreams go, Life is a barren field of snow.
-Langston Hughes

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Exploration is the engine of enlightenment. As an educator it is my duty to provide an opportunity for students to explore learning while cultivating a mathematical mindset. My imagine it is meant to encourage exploration, take ownership in learning and build problem solving skills. My iImages were chosen because they promote the idea of learning through discovery and highlight the wonder of problem solving by learning to think abstractly. All three pictures give visual examples of exploration. Whether it be of the mind, body or universe. The route to enlightenment in each field began with someone thinking outside the box. These days children abstract ideas from working with concrete objects. Learning now focuses on understanding math concepts through the use of hands-on activities, manipulatives, and real life applications. All these tools combine to create a critical thinker. Forgotten are the “copy the board and do page 14”. Now we must cultivate learners who explore,now we must build problem solvers. All great civilizations progress can be tied to their thrust to be enlightened. Now it’s our turn, now it’s us who must plant the seed of knowledge to grow mankind.