Hold fast to your dreams For when dreams go, Life is a barren field of snow.
-Langston Hughes
Tinker Tale 2
Tinker Tale 1
Deep Play Group
Little Sparks of Genius
Professional Development Agenda (1hr and 30 minutes):
Multimodal Composition in the Classroom
Learning Outcomes
TWBAT: Define what multimodal composition is and is not; experiment with multimodal assignments; become immersed in digital technologies as it relates to modalities.
Multimodal Introduction (5min)
What is multimodal composition?
Quickfire Challenge (15min)
Teachers will create a meme that illustrates their understanding of multimodal composition.
Student Connection: Students can create a meme to illustrate their understanding ofa STEM related topic.
Math/Science Newsletter Station (30min)
Teachers will create a newsletter for parents that loosely outlines their next topic.
Student Connection: Students can use this modality to summarize a math or science unit.
Math/Science Creation Station (30 min)
Choose a concept that you’re teaching in your classroom and select items from the creation station that you can use to visualize or model the concept using multiple modalities.
Student Connection: Students can use items in class to make a model of a math or science concept.
Sketchnote: (10min)
Create a sketchnote of your takeaways from today’s activities.
Tools: https://sites.google.com/site/ipadmultimediatools/sketchnote-tools
Multimodal Professional Development:
Multimodal Newsletter: