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If I had to do this all again I'd make sure I carved out time for my kids to really explore all the new tools and ideas we acquired over the year. It’s been such a whirlwind that my kids don't have a real opportunity to just play and experiment. Even after our school day, most of them have other responsibilities and can't just hang around and mess around with our materials. They need that time to discover. Next year I'll make sure I embed a genius hour. I might get in trouble for it, but the time to play and discover is essential for their growth.

My kids have tons of projects that allow them to use mathematical knowledge to solve real world problems. They’ll start by creating their own Pythagorean theorem short films that will be used to teach other students the theorem in an engaging way. Next is the geo race. Without assistance from teachers teams of students will be asked to construct three-dimensional shapes using straws, bridging that gap between concept and reality will allow the students to learn about the surface area of figures, tiling, and pattern through play. The great lego built will pit teams of future engineers to use algebra and geometry to solve a cost restrictive construction problem. We’ll end the year by using statistics to help us build the greatest fantasy baseball team. Each group is asked to use statistical proofs to justify their player budget. The winning team gets a trip to see a MLB team play live.












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Chicago IL  60642

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